Diana Ohashi (Mother of Katelyn Ohashi) Age, Net worth, ethnicity

Diana Ohashi
Diana Ohashi with her husband Richard

Diana Ohashi is the mother of former UCLA gymnast Katelyn Ohashi and wife of Richard Ohashi. Katelyn won the four-time junior national team of USA Gymnastics and the winner of the 2013 American cup.  Ohashi made her first première during the junior Olympic national championship were she placed first on floor exercise and second on uneven bars.

She is famous for defeating one of America’s top Gymnast Simone Biles.

How old is Diana Ohashi?

We haven’t found any information about her Age.


Diana is from Germany and she belongs to the German Ethnic.

Diana Ohashi – Net worth

Till now we didn’t receive any information about Diana’s net worth, income source and career. We will update once, we received all the relevant information.

Is Diana Ohashi alive or dead?

She is still alive and happily living with her family.

Facts about Diana

  • She is from Germany
  • Mother of most talented Gymnast Katelyn Ohashi
  • Diana was also a former Gymnast from Germany
  • She is the mother of four children Katelyn, Ryan, Kyle and Kalen.