How to Remove 5 Gallon Bucket Lids

tools required to remove 5 Gallon Bucket Lids super fast
tools required to remove 5 Gallon Bucket Lids super fast

Is it easy to remove 5 Gallon Bucket Lids?

Removing a lid from a five-gallon bucket requires patience, tools, and a good amount of strength, but can be difficult! If you have the right tools, removing a five-gallon bucket lid can be a quick and easy job. 

The rest of this article will detail how to remove 5 Gallon Bucket Lids and what tools you can use to make it easier. 

Where should you place your five-gallon bucket?

To make the removal easy for you, it is important that you place your bucket on a stable, protected surface before you open it. When a five-gallon bucket is completely full, it will weigh about fifty pounds. 

If you placed the bucket on an unstable surface, it would make gripping the bucket and providing the necessary force to remove the lid harder than it needs to be.

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What to use to remove 5 Gallon Bucket Lids?

To make opening a five-gallon bucket lid easier for you, you should look for a paint bucket opener. It will be a plastic tool shaped like a “C.” These are widely available in most hardware stores. 

If you do not have one of these tools, you can always use the back of a hammer or another object that allows you to pry under the lid and will provide adequate space for leverage. 

Other tools you can use include screwdrivers, pliers, and utility knives, though these will have different instructions listed below.

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How to begin to open your five-gallon bucket lid

When you begin to open your bucket lid, you should slide your tool under the lid, prying upwards in intervals. 

If the bucket has tabs with slits between them, you should pry upwards at the center of this tab.  

No matter what the lid looks like, work around the lid a couple of times in order to loosen it. 

Taking the bucket lid off 

When the bucket lid is adequately loosened, you should gently pry it up, grasping the edge in order to safely remove it. 

Remove 5 Gallon Bucket Lids using other tools

If you must use a screwdriver and pliers to open your five-gallon bucket lid, you will place the screwdriver under the lid rim, prying up. 

You can use pliers to pull the tabs up further, working around the bucket in intervals much like you would with a lid opener. 

When the lid is loose enough, you can remove it with pliers or your fingers, trying not to damage the edge with your tools. 

Replacing your lid

When you are done with your bucket, you can replace the lid by using a cloth over the top and a mallet. The cloth will catch any paint or other contents from spraying. 

Gently tap around the rim with a mallet or hammer, making sure to not damage the lid. This will result in it being harder to get off the next time you go to do so. 

Final Thoughts 

It may not be easy to remove 5 Gallon Bucket Lids and can be tricky, but with time, patience, and the right tools, you can do it quickly, easily, and safely.